Sunday, 7 March 2010

Twilight- Second Textual Analysis

Typically in the teen film genre there are a number of factors which reoccur time after time such as: the film will be centred on teenage lives, the main character will be individual and therefore isolated, the film normally takes place in a secondary school and at the main character's home, the character will have friends, adults will not feature frequently, and a lesson will be learnt by the main character. Furthermore, in the romance film genre, the characters that fall in love with each other normally differ in their beliefs, in order for some conflict to occur, there will be scenes which take place in a restaurant and open spaces, and there is normally a scene where it is raining, because the setting is very romantic, as it is only the two characters together in the rain.

In the first school sequence in the film 'Twilight', the character 'Bella' is wearing a green shirt over a grey long sleeved shirt, and we see a lot of greys and greens throughout the film because a lot of it is set in the forest, adding to the fairytale aspect of the film, and the town of Forks (which is where the film is set) is one of the most rainy areas on the Earth, therefore the sky is almost always grey. The extras are wearing tan or dark coats, and a lot of dark blue clothing, However when the characters called the 'Cullens' enter in the canteen scene, the interior is white, as well as the what the Cullens are wearing, and this makes them instantly stand out in comparison to the normal people, and it shows how they are perceived by everyone around them, however they are also very pale as they are the vampire family, and their clothing connotes this. The character called 'Jessica' wears a lot of pink, and this shows her to be the amiable friend of the main character, and the Cullens are wearing a lot of white, except for the character called 'Edward', he is wearing a dark long-sleeved t- shirt, suggesting that he is different from his 'family' in the way that he thinks and acts, and suggests that he will be thought of differently in comparison to the others, by Bella.

To begin the school sequence, there are establishing shots of the school, which tells the audience that this is going to be central in the film, as it is a setting which teenagers are familiar with and therefore they can relate to the characters within. When the Cullens walk across the canteen after entering, the camera tracks along with them, and this is so that the audience has to watch them, as Bella is doing so, because she cannot take her eyes off of them. This suggests that they will be central to her in the story.

The setting in the school sequence is a busy school, with a lot of students walking around and the diegetic noise of chatting which suggests that Bella does not know anyone and may feel alone, a noisy PE lesson which shows her feeling uncomfortable and out of place as she attempts to play volleyball with her new classmates, and a noisy canteen in which Bella is sitting at a lunch table with her new friends, suggesting that she may be feeling a little overwhelmed about all the people around her, seeing as it is only her first day at this new school.

Overall, it is through the costumes, colours, camera, setting and sound that we can see the aspects of the teen and romance genres in the opening school sequence of the film 'Twilight'.

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