Saturday, 13 March 2010

Panic Room and Malice- Third Textual Analysis: Narrative Codes

The Hermeneutic code contains anything in the film that is mysterious or unexplained, usually leading to questions which the viewer needs answered.

Panic Room:
The Hermeneutic Codes presented in the opening sequence- What is the woman with the glasses occupation? Why does she need to move? Why has she got quite a substantial amount of money? Why is she a single parent? What's going to happen later on in the film? Why is there a secret room? These questions provoke the curiosity and interest in the viewer, and makes them want to carry on watching the film in order for their questions to be answered.

A question is presented when the film's title 'Malice' appears and a pretty instrumental plays, which contrasts with each other, suggesting that an event is about to occur, as suspicion is raised by the contradicting elements of the title and the instrumentation used. This leads to the question- who was the man that attacked her? If the viewer keeps watching the film, then they will find out the answers to these questions.

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